Friday, 05 January 2007

Mandela Sings Kill 'em whities

Can be found on youtube

This can also be found on the website AfricanCrisis

[6 Pics & Video] Nelson Mandela: The Songs They Sing about Killing Whites

Here is another excerpt from the full 12 minute documentary called "The Songs they Sing", which contains much interesting footage and many more songs which they sing, some in Xhosa, and even some in english (like "Kill the Boers...").

The singing about the killing of the whites continues to this day. Jacob Zuma, who wants to be our next President leads the singing of the song "My Machinegun" at every political rally he holds - right now, in 2006! He could be our president in 2009!

This portion shows Nelson Mandela and Ronnie Kasrils at a funeral in 1992, where all the ANC/SACP members sing about killing the whites. This excerpt shows Mandela there, and it contrasts the words of the song, sung in Xhosa (the tribe from which Mandela comes), with the words he speaks in english. It also shows other members of the ANC, including women and children singing the same words. It has been noted over the years, that often, these black leaders, say one thing in a "native" language, but when questionined in english, they say something very different. In this excerpt you will see that.

This portion of the movie is 6.7Mb in size and can be downloaded here:-
This is the "song of the oath", for want of a better phrase. This is where the members of MK (Mkhonto we Sizwe), the armed wing of the ANC (African National Congress), pledge to kill white people.
Here are some of the frames showing Nelson Mandela, and next to him, in the green shirt, holding his fist in a black power salute is Ronnie Kasrils. Kasrils is a senior member of the S.African Communist party, and in 2006, he is the Minister of Intelligence in S.Africa.

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