Monday, 05 March 2007

Mbeki attacks Jani

South Africa, far from being a "democracy," is to all intents and purposes a one-party Marxist state in which no criticism of the government is tolerated. President Mbeki's recent Internet letter is a loosely cobbled together compilation of misdemeanors (i.e., accurate reporting) committed by various journalists. These increasingly desperate attacks on the media in general and me in particular, ironically bring to mind the words of W.B. Yeats, the Irish poet Mbeki is so fond of quoting; "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold." On Friday, Mbeki called me "a racist liar" (or, alternately, "a racist psychotic liar") and slammed an article I wrote on rape and AID (

Using terminology from Psychology 101, Mbeki explained that "due to the psychological residue of apartheid, a psychosis (exists) among some of us such that, to this day, they do not believe that our non-racial democracy will survive and succeed." A few unintelligible lines later, he concluded: "So they look everywhere for evidence of decline, in order that they cannot be disappointed. Crime in our country provides them with the most dramatic evidence of that decline, the evidence that they are right to foresee a hopeless future for our country, the proof that sooner or later things will fall apart."

According to Interpol, South Africa is the international murder capital of the world. There are 600 murders for every 100,000 residents per year. This is ten times higher than Harlem, in New York, or South Central Los Angeles. Since the release of the saintly Mandela -- that shameless fig-leaf for the African National Congress -- more than 200,000 people have been murdered in South Africa. That is nearly four times the number of American soldiers who died in Vietnam. In the nine years following the end of apartheid and the "miracle" of South Africa's "democratic" election in 1994, almost 2,000 farmers and their workers have been murdered. There have been more than 15,000 attacks on farmers. The attacks are orchestrated and executed with chilling sadism and perversion. In some cases the orders for the attacks came from Shell (now Luthuli) House, the ANC headquarters. The systematic terror, though well-documented and photographed on various obscure websites, is largely ignored by the American mainstream press.

Jan Lamprecht, author of "Government by Deception", has this to say: "It is interesting that Marxist Mbeki had to take a personal pot shot at Jani Allan who was one of the most famous journalists in the country. In my opinion she speaks the truth and I say our President is a black, racist liar who is taking cheap shots at a white woman who is telling the truth."

My writings on and and other websites have been motivated by an earnest desire to inform Americans and all those who purport to be humanitarians, animal activists and environmentalists, that there is a tragedy of Biblical proportions unfolding in South Africa.

I have no personal vendetta against South African President Thabo Mbeki. Admittedly, when I had a radio show in Cape Town, I used to good-naturedly refer to him as M-Bek-One, since his name resembles the license plate of a car. But M-Bek-One evidently has a vendetta against me.
Why else would my apartment have been bombed? Why was I held up at gunpoint and forced to flee the country?

Recently I was on The Jeff Rense show, which airs coast to coast and streams globally. I spoke, among other things, about the farm murders which the world's top genocide expert, Dr. Gregory Stanton, has warned is a genocide of the Afrikaner-Boer people. I remarked, as have many other writers, that President Mbeki has a total obsession with race. (His talk of a non-racial democracy is nonsense given that the centerpiece of his government's legislation is Black Economic Empowerment.)

My radio interview on the Rense Show drew the predictable response from the Communist-dominated African National Congress: "We knew Jani Allan was a crazy attention seeker, but to tell such blatant lies about genocide being committed against white South Africans to seven million gullible Americans is beyond the pale. She has slandered our President and told lies that surely constitute treason."

Is it appropriate for the President of an African country to have his minions accuse me of treason? Does this outré disapproval not invoke Vonnegut's image of a man getting dressed up in a full suit of armor to attack an ice-cream sundae?

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