Oct 22 2007, Telegraaf newspaper, ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands.
Said ex-Pres. De Klerk to the Dutch journalist: "South Africa is not a democracy either - in a living democracy one never knows in advance which party has won."
He made the comment at a gala fund-raiser in Rotterdam for the charity KidsRights on Saturday-night, of which he is the patron.
KidsRights raises funds to help Aids orphans worldwide, including in South Africa. De Klerk is a patron of the charity.
The evening's fund-raising auction among the Dutch elite was interrupted so that the overjoyed former SA president could watch the live-TV celebratory scenes after the Springbok rugby team's phenomenal victory over England that night.
De Klerk was actually talking about the new democratic movement which has just been launched by former Russian president Michael Gorbatsjov when he made the comment about South Africa.
He was quoted as saying: "Russia needs a living democracy, and that's a democracy in which one does not know in advance which party is going to win. Such a (living) democracy also does not exist in South Africa,' he said.
His comments were quoted in the popular Stan Huygens column on page 4 of De Telegraaf newspaper on 22 October.
link to page:
The evening's auction -- attended by the creme de la creme of the wealthiest Dutch captains of industry and trade -- raised a whopping one-million Euros in just a few hours of bidding.
"We can do so much with this money,' said jubilant KidsRights' founder Marc Dullaert, Dutch tv-producer and CEO of D&D Media Groups.
. "Every Euro is worth three times as much in South Africa. And this money will go 100% 'to support the Aids-orphans in South Africa -- no creaming off the top for expenses such as other charities are doing,' he said.
"Some of our other sponsors actually pay all the running costs for KidsRights so that 100% of our donations go directly to the kids.'
The Dutch-based KidsRights -- not to be confused with the discredited ChildRight group in SA -- also maintains a very open information policy, which is required by Dutch charity foundations.
Give no more money to ChildRight warns the Dutch Central Fundraising Bureau:
Their 2006 statement by their accountant shows that many Dutch artists also donated their talents with free concerts. One of the charities supported is Nkosi's Haven, run by Gail Johnson -- whose highly-publicised adoption of the Aids-infected child Nkosi even drew the ire of president Thabo Mbeki.
Nkosi was near-death when Gail adopted him legally because his AIDS-infected mom could not care for him. The bright youngster lived a happy life on antiretrovirals until the age of 12 -- and his personality shone brightly at his frequent public appearances.
The little boy also famously accosted president Mbeki at a highly-publicised international conference about his anti-AIDS policies, clearly angering Mbeki.
Nkosi Johnson link
2006 Annual Statement of KidsRights charity:
Source URL: http://telegraaf-i.telegraaf.nl/daily/2007/10/22/TE/TE_2S_20071022_4/pagina.php
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Former President FW de Klerk: South Africa is NOT a democracy
2007: Book: Black South Africans are worse off under ANC Rule - Township violence returns!!
[Adriana sent me this nice piece. Well, its "Disaster Capitalism" being it is being implemented by Socialists and Communists - that's why. I hope the CIA learns its lesson from this. Don't hand the country over to Marxist TERRORISTS and expect them to run a proper Capitalist Pro-Western society!! Jan]
'Black South Africans are much worse off under ANC-rule than they ever were during apartheid... ' - Naomi Klein in "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism'...
After over a decade of ANC-rule under Thabo Mbeki, conditions for black people in SA are today so much worse than they ever were under apartheid that black communities all across the country's townships again have returned to the streets to protest -- waging violence-driven campaigns, this time against their own black regime. They are protesting against their dismal living conditions and also the drastic lack of civil liberties being endured under the Mbeki-regime.
Far-left Canadian journalist Naomi Klein noted these shocking living conditions of black South Africans under the Mbeki-regime -- describing them in her latest book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". Klein provides the following list of how living conditions for SA blacks have gotten worse:
o Four-million people now live on less than $1 a day (doubled since apartheid);
o 48% of the people now are unemployed; it was 28% under apartheid;
o only 5,000 of 35-million+ black South Africans earn over $60,000 a year;
the ANC government has built 1.8 million (ramshackle, tiny) new homes while two-million South Africans have lost theirs;
o Some 1-m blacks were evicted from farms by new black farmers;
o the shack dweller population grew by 50%,
o in 2006, one-quarter of the entire SA population lives in shacks without running water or electricity.
o the TB/AIDS infection rate is soaring past 20% -- and the Mbeki government denies the severity of the twin killer-epidemics;
o The average life expectancy for everyone is at 48 years; it hovered around 62 years during apartheid;
o 40% of all SA schools have no electricity;
o 25% of all the 46-million people in SA have no clean wate
o 60% of all the people have inadequate sanitation; 40% have no telephones.
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Hitting a child may cost R300
Cape Town - R300 for a clip on the ear.
That's what parents will have to cough up if they're prosecuted under the provisions for corporal punishment in the proposed Children's Act and if they are given the option of a fine.
The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) on Tuesday told the parliamentary Social Welfare Services portfolio committee that unless clause 139 of the Children's Act was changed, "any minor smack on the buttocks or rap over the knuckles" would be illegal and punishable by law.
"It means that the NPA would be obliged to subject each and every complaint filed by children against their parents to the legal process," said Advocate Rodney de Kock, the Director of Public Prosecutions in the Western Cape.
"A decision on whether sufficient pain has been inflicted (for the complaint to qualify) does not lie with the NPA. The act will stipulate that each smack or clip is an offence and should be treated as such."
The new law stipulates that absolutely no form of corporal punishment is legal and a child may not be punished in a way that is "cruel, inhuman or degrading".
The act also negates the defence of physical punishment as "a reasonable form of discipline" as contained in the existing Child Care Act.
Cheryllyn Dudley of the ACDP asked if it was not possible to refer in the legislation to "reasonable forms of corporal punishment".
Committee chairperson Advocate Mike Masutha of the ANC informed her that the law made provision for training in alternative disciplinary methods.
Both Dudley and Hilda Weber of the DA wanted to know precisely what options were available to a hiding and disciplining that was seen as "degrading".
"The Education Department can provide that answer," Masutha said.
'Teachers have no control'
Shocked pupils and teachers from Forest High School, in Forest Hill in the southern part of Johannesburg, had to receive counselling after finding the body of Simon Mbele, 19, who was stabbed to death on the sports field by another pupil on Monday.
Mbele was involved in a fight with a Grade 8 boy at the school about 07:30. He was stabbed four times in the neck.
Kim Atkinson, 17, a pupil, said she had just arrived at school to get notes for the exams which started on Tuesday when she saw a large group of pupils running to the sports field.
Knives brought to school
"I asked them what was happening and they shouted: "Somebody is dead". When we arrived we noticed a number of emergency workers and realised it was Simon."
Police spokesperson captain Schalk Bornman said pupils noticed the two boys having an argument at a building on the sports field.
"They saw the 14-year-old boy running away and went to see what had happened. They found the boy's body. He was stabbed in the neck four times with a sharp object."
Nick Dollman, spokesperson for Netcare 911 emergency service, said the boy was found dead in a ditch at the building. According to Atkinson and her friend, Amanda Hicks, 17, there were fist fights nearly every day at the school.
"Teachers have no control over the children. The only thing that will help is if corporal punishment is brought back," said Atkinson.
"Children bring knives to school and jump over the fences to bunk whenever they feel like it. And that is not only the case here, we know about other schools where it is a lot worse."
Apparently the deputy principal at this school was seriously assaulted by a pupil a couple of months ago.
Mark Petersen, the principle, could not be reached for comment, but he had told 702 Talk Radio on Monday that it was "an isolated incident".
"It's the first incident of violence that I know about," Petersen told 702. "Some of the pupils and teachers have received counselling and we will continue doing so."
Pupils jumped over the fence and left the school while police members were still combing the murder scene.
Panyaza Lesufi, spokesperson for Angie Matshekgo, Gauteng MEC for education, said a top level investigation had been launched into the incident.
"The boys apparently argued over money. We are shocked by the murder and have already spoken to several role players, among them the MEC for community safety (Firoz Cachalia)," said Lesufi.
He said Mbele's parents also received counselling at length.
"Security at schools is not the responsibility of the education department," he said.
"Schools are part of the bigger community and crime and violence occur everywhere every day."
Monday, 15 October 2007
PAP members fear for safety
"There have been several incidents of robbery at gunpoint and threats to members and staff," PAP president Gertrude Mongella told a media briefing ahead of Monday's resumption of work at the parliament, which sits twice a year.
"At least three members have had their cars stolen. They are fearful about their security in its South African headquarters," she added.
Senior PAP official Merumba Werunga added: "More than 10 members of the PAP have been attacked in their hotels and guest houses while attending plenary or committee meetings."
he latest incident had happened overnight when a staff member was robbed at gunpoint in his home which was cleaned out, Werunga added.
The continental body, an African Union agency yet to acquire legislative powers, is scheduled to begin its eighth session on Monday at its headquarters in Midrand, situated between Pretoria and Johannesburg.
Mongella said there was no evidence that members were being specifically targeted and there was no intention to move the parliament from South Africa, where around 50 people are murdered every day.
"We are going to stay and work with the South African government to ensure our members and staff are secure."
As well as voicing safety fears, Mongella said the PAP was struggling financially as a result of shortfalls in promised finances, leading to the cancellation of a planned recent mission to Zimbabwe.
"We are given such a small amount of money that cannot sustain the expensive environment of South Africa," she said.
The PAP, which began without a budget in 2004, was promised $5-million (€3.7-million) in 2005, but got only $3-million from the AU, its mother body.
Mongella, a Tanzanian MP, said the parliament received $9-million in total last year despite having budgeted for $11.9-million.
SA is 'rotting like a fish, from the head on down' - warns IFP leader Buthelezi
The Afrikaans media reports Mangosuthu Buthelezi's keynote address at the annual Inkatha Freedom party conference in Ulundi, in which he warned that South Africa was 'heading for paralysis' under a 'paralysed ruling party'; that the country in fact is "like a fish, rotting from the head on down..."
The country is in fact being plunged into a deep constitutional crisis, warned Buthelezi.
Beeld journalist Dries Liebenberg describes the frail-looking Buthelezi's speech as deeply sombre and pessimistic about the country's future.
South Africa, said Buthelezi, 'is a fish which is rotting from its head on down".
He said the president 's interference in the justice department's attempts to arrest (Interpol president and) national police chief Jackie Selebi by firing the man who was heading the investigation, 'goes so much deeper than fighting crime.
"The highest political authority of the land has thus undermined the building blocks of the constitutional supremacy of our justice system," he warned.
"The Constitution is thus being trampled upon by those who are supposed to protect it."
Buthelezi thus also added his criticism to those of other opposition leaders who warned of a looming Constitutional crisis in South Africa.
Buthelezi said this crisis is however not 'just limited to law and order. We have a paralysed government which is suffer under a paralysed ruling party in a country which is heading for paralysis," he warned.
more of this speech on:
Monday, 30 July 2007
Why, the Beloved Country?
By By James Kirchick
July 29, 2007
In early may, just a month before the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip, South African Minister of Intelligence Ronnie Kasrils paid a visit to Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader and erstwhile Palestinian Authority prime minister. Kasrils praised Hamas, which has been designated by the United States as a terrorist organization, and invited Haniyeh to visit South Africa. Several months earlier, Kasrils did similar PR work on behalf of Hezbollah, another U.S.-designated terrorist group.
South Africa's chumminess with these two well-known terror organizations may come as a shock to Americans, for whom South Africa probably conjures up fuzzy images of Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey opening up a luxurious school for disadvantaged girls and the heroic triumph of democracy and justice over racism. But it shouldn't. It is part and parcel of a broader and troubling trend in South African foreign policy, one that cozies up to tyrants and is increasingly hostile to the West -- even at the cost of its self-proclaimed principles of human rights and political freedom.
So why haven't you heard more about it? Why has post-apartheid South Africa's easy relationship with dictatorships been downplayed by the media for years? That oversight seems to reflect a disinclination to report bad news about the African National Congress -- Mandela's party, which led the fight against apartheid -- and especially any news that might be perceived as tarnishing the popular and comforting narrative surrounding the country's triumphant emergence from apartheid.
Even as South Africa moves slowly into the anti-Western camp, few outsiders are willing to criticize the ANC, partly out of a misguided sense of solidarity and partly because the party cloaks itself in a shroud of moral absolutism that not so subtly implicates its critics as racists, Western stooges or apologists for apartheid. (To cite only one of many examples, in February, the ANC government attacked the British Broadcasting Corp. for supposedly alleging that "Africans are less than human, or, at least, genetically inferior" in a documentary about out-of-control crime in Johannesburg.)
But scurrilous accusations shouldn't be allowed to deter reasonable criticism. And just because the ANC's current leaders were once imprisoned by white racists does not render them immune from censure today.
The reality is that, among democratic countries, none has been more supportive of Iran's nuclear ambitions than South Africa. While the United States and its European allies fret over what to do about the nuclear program of this rogue, theocratic state, South Africa's ambassador to the United Nations, displaying remarkable credulity, declared last year: "We will
defend the right of countries to have nuclear technology for peaceful uses. For instance, Iran." In March, after assuming a temporary two-year seat on the Security Council, South Africa attempted to gut a resolution sanctioning Iran for defying demands that it freeze uranium enrichment. (Although after the attempt failed, South Africa joined the rest of the council in passing a unanimous resolution.)
South Africa has also wasted its opportunity to stand as a clarion voice for human rights at the U.N. On the Security Council, it has regularly sided with Russia and China -- the two powerful, veto-wielding nations that are consistent obstacles to the defense of liberty. In its first substantive vote on the council, South Africa sided with those two states against a nonbinding resolution condemning the human rights abuses of the Myanmar military junta. Archbishop Desmond Tutu admitted that the vote was "a betrayal of our own noble past."
Last week, the South African ambassador to the U.N. warned that any talk of sanctions against Sudan for its actions in Darfur would be "totally unacceptable." How can the ANC, with a straight face, call sanctions against a genocidal regime totally unacceptable when it demanded complete and utter isolation of the white apartheid government in Pretoria?
Rounding out South Africa's disgraceful foreign policy is its stance toward Zimbabwe, where President Robert Mugabe is inflicting what some have referred to as a "silent genocide" against his own people through starvation and the manipulation of food aid. Instead of threatening sanctions or even lightly criticizing his regime, South Africa has kept Mugabe afloat through vast economic aid and, in 2005, strengthened an already dubious military alliance between the two governments. To the ANC, Mugabe is a hero who defeated white colonialism, and even though his reign is worse than the white government he overthrew, the ANC puts its stubborn principle of liberation camaraderie ahead of common humanity.
Why would the ANC, which came to power with such worldwide respect and goodwill, be willing to squander its moral authority so easily? A large part of the explanation rests with Mandela himself. Although he is regarded as perhaps the most inspirational figure in the world, the fact is that throughout his life, Mandela has praised an unseemly crew of dictators -- including Fidel Castro ("Long live Comrade Fidel Castro!" he said in 1991), Moammar Kadafi (whom he visited in 1997 in defiance of American objections) and Yasser Arafat ("a comrade in arms") -- for their support of the ANC while it was in exile. And he has remained quiet about Mugabe even though a strong rebuke might influence current African leaders to do the same, and Mandela's reticence is a stain on his otherwise illustrious legacy.
The roots of the ANC's willingness to overlook totalitarianism go back to its historic hostility toward the West, which solidified during the apartheid years, when it was the Soviet Union that supplied the ANC and the United States, Britain and Israel were unwilling to cut ties to the white government in Pretoria. Regardless of what happened many years ago, previous policies by the U.S. and other Western countries toward South Africa cannot possibly justify the ANC's current friendliness toward Hamas, Hezbollah, Mugabe, Khartoum and Tehran.
Yet the ANC refuses to change. Today, it still governs not by itself but as part of a "tripartite alliance" with the country's trade union coalition and the South African Communist Party. It's no surprise, then, that in a recent weekly letter from South African President Thabo Mbeki recounting an ANC delegation trip to Vietnam, he spoke, even all these years later, of "the U.S. war of aggression against the Vietnamese people" and lauded the communist dictatorship's "struggle for freedom and national independence." Mbeki and his ANC colleagues see South Africa as having inherited an "anti-imperialist" intellectual tradition heroically opposed to the Western democracies.
With the fall of apartheid, a window of opportunity emerged in which South Africa could have come to the fore as an unrivaled advocate for human rights around the world. Given its own struggle against injustice, the ANC is right to regard itself as having a special duty to stand with the innocent against authoritarianism, terrorism and privation. Regretfully, it appears that South Africa -- at least under the rule of the massively popular ANC -- has decided to cast its lot with the likes of Robert Mugabe, the mullahs in Iran and the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah.
James Kirchick is assistant to the editor in chief of the New Republic.
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Why I'm fleeing South Africa
I am leaving South Africa. I have lived here for 35 years, and I shall leave with anguish. My home and my friends are here, but I am terrified. I know I shall be in trouble for saying so, because I am the widow of Alan Paton.
Fifty years ago he wrote Cry, The Beloved Country. He was an unknown schoolmaster and it was his first book, but it became a bestseller overnight. It was eventually translated into more than 20 languages and became a set book in schools all over the world. It has sold more than 15 million copies and still sells 100,000 copies a year.
As a result of the startling success of this book, my husband became famous for his impassioned speeches and writings, which brought to the notice of the world the suffering of the black man under apartheid.
He campaigned for Nelson Mandela's release from prison and he worked all his life for black majority rule. He was incredibly hopeful about the new South Africa that would follow the end of apartheid, but he died in 1988, aged 85.
I was so sorry he did not witness the euphoria and love at the time of the election in 1994.But I am glad he is not alive now. He would have been so distressed to see what has happened to his beloved country.
I love this country with a passion, but I cannot live here any more. I can no longer live slung about with panic buttons and gear locks. I am tired of driving with my car windows closed and the doors locked, tired of being afraid of stopping at red lights. I am tired of being constantly on the alert, having that sudden frisson of fear at the sight of a shadow by the gate, of a group of youths approaching - although nine times out of 10 they are innocent of harmful intent. Such is the suspicion that dogs us all.
Among my friends and the friends of my friends, I know of nine people who have been murdered in the past four years.
An old friend, an elderly lady, was raped and murdered by someone who broke into her home for no reason at all; another was shot at a garage.
We have a saying, "Don't fire the gardener", because of the belief that it is so often an inside job - the gardener who comes back and does you in.
All this may sound like paranoia, but it is not without reason. I have been hijacked, mugged and terrorised. A few years ago my car was taken from me at gunpoint. I was forced into the passenger seat. I sat there frozen. But just as one man jumped into the back and the other fumbled with the starter I opened the door and ran away. To this day I do not know how I did this. But I got away, still clutching my handbag.
On May I this year I was mugged in my home at three in the afternoon. I used to live in a community of big houses with big grounds in the countryside. It's still beautiful and green, but the big houses have been knocked down and people have moved into fenced complexes like the one in which I now live. Mine is in the suburbs of Durban, but they're springing up everywhere.
That afternoon I came home and omitted to close the security door. I went upstairs to lie down. After a while I thought I'd heard a noise, perhaps a bird or something. Without a qualm I got up and went to the landing; outside was a man. I screamed and two other men appeared. I was seized by the throat and almost throttled; I could feel myself losing consciousness.
My mouth was bound with Sellotape and I was threatened with my own knife (Girl Guide issue from long ago) and told: "If you make a sound, you die." My hands were tied tightly behind my back and I was thrown into the guest room and the door was shut. They took all the electronic equipment they could find, except the computer. They also, of course, took the car.
A few weeks later my new car was locked up in my fenced carport when I was woken by its alarm in the early hours of the morning. The thieves had removed the radio, having cut through the padlocks in order to bypass the electric control on the gates.
The last straw came a few weeks ago, shortly before my 71st birthday. I returned home in the middle of the afternoon and walked into my sitting room. Outside the window two men were breaking in. I retreated to the hall and pressed the panic alarm.
This time I had shut the front door on entering. By now I had become more cautious. Yet one of the men ran around the house, jumped over the fence and tried to batter down the front door. Meanwhile, his accomplice was breaking my sitting- room window with a hammer.
This took place while the sirens were shrieking, which was the frightening part. They kept coming, in broad daylight, while the alarm was going. They knew that there had to be a time lag of a few minutes before help arrived - enough time to dash off with the television and video recorder. In fact, the front-door assailant was caught and taken off to the cells. Recently I telephoned to ask the magistrate when I would be called as a witness. She told me she had let him off for lack of evidence. She said that banging on my door was not an offence, and how could I prove that his intent was hostile?
I have been careless in the past - razor wire and electric gates give one a feeling of security. Or at least, they did. But I am careless no longer. No fence - be it electric or not - no wall, no razor wire is really a deterrent to the determined intruder. Now my alarm is on all the time and my panic button hung round my neck. While some people say I have been unlucky, others say: "You are lucky not to have been raped or murdered." What kind of a society is this where one is considered "lucky" not to have been raped or murdered - yet?
A character in Cry, The Beloved Country says: "I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving they will find we are turned to hating." And so it has come to pass. There is now more racial tension in this country than I have ever known.
But it is not just about black-on-white crime. It is about general lawlessness. Black people suffer more than the whites. They do not have access to private security firms, and there are no police stations near them in the townships and rural areas. They are the victims of most of the hijackings, rapes and murders. They cannot run away like the whites, who are streaming out of this country in their thousands.
President Mandela has referred to us who leave as "cowards" and says the country can do without us. So be it. But it takes a great deal of courage to uproot and start again. We are leaving because crime is rampaging through the land. The evils that beset this country now are blamed on the legacy of apartheid. One of the worst legacies of that time is that of the Bantu Education Act, which deliberately gave black people an inferior education.
The situation is exacerbated by the fact that criminals know that their chances of being caught are negligible; and if they are caught they will be free almost at once. So what is the answer? The government needs to get its priorities right. We need a powerful, well-trained and well-equipped police force.
Recently there was a robbery at a shopping centre in the afternoon. A call to the police station elicited the reply: "We have no transport." "Just walk then," said the caller; the police station is about a two-minute sprint from the shop in question. "We have no transport," came the reply again. Nobody arrived.
There is a quote from my husband's book: "Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. Let him not love the earth too deeply. Let him not laugh too gladly when the water runs through his fingers, nor stand too silent when the setting sun makes red the veld with fire. Let him not be too moved when the birds of his land are singing, nor give too much of his heart to a mountain or a valley. For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much."
What has changed in half a century? A lot of people who were convinced that everything would be all right are disillusioned, though they don't want to admit it.
The government has many excellent schemes for improving the lot of the black man, who has been disadvantaged for so long. A great deal of money is spent in this direction. However, nothing can succeed while people live in such fear. Last week, about 10km from my home, an old couple were taken out and murdered in the garden. The wife had only one leg and was in a wheelchair. Yet they were stabbed and strangled - for very little money. They were the second old couple to be killed last week. It goes on and on, all the time; we have become a killing society.
As I prepare to return to England, a young man asked me the other day, in all innocence, if things were more peaceful there. "You see," he said, "I know of no other way of life than this. I cannot imagine anything different." What a tragic statement on the beloved country today. "Because the white man has power, we too want power," says Msimangu.
"But when a black man gets power, when he gets money, he is a great man if he is not corrupted. I have seen it often. He seeks power and money to put right what is wrong, and when he gets them, why, he enjoys the power and the money.
Now he can gratify his lusts, now he can arrange ways to get white man's liquor. I see only one hope for our country, and that is when white men and black men, desiring neither power nor money, but desiring only the good of their country, come together to work for it.
I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find we are turned to hating."
Monday, 26 March 2007
Die, the beloved country
Posted: August 8, 2001
Imagine if white farms in Iowa were being attacked by machinegun-toting black gangs on a daily basis. The men are shot, and females as young as 4 years old raped and mutilated. Imagine if the government in Washington, D.C., was led by black communists. Imagine if members of the local police force in Iowa were also black, hostile to whites, illiterate and only had their positions because of affirmative action.
Well, welcome to the reality of the "New South Africa." Despite the Madison Avenue spin doctoring on the great Nelson Mandela and his ruling ANC, South Africa has decayed into a hell of rape, AIDS, murder and anarchy over the past seven years. Mandela's rainbow nation has failed. It has done worst than fail – it has turned into a genocide against white South Africans. Why should we be surprised? History shows that all Marxist states will eventually decay into genocide – look at Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalin's Russia and Mao's China.
Killing whites has become the sport of choice in Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa and, looking at the most recent riots, in the good old USA. Can you imagine the media outcry if whites were killing blacks? Imagine if someone were killing a spotted owl?
Many whites have fled South Africa during the last six years of ANC rule – almost one third, according to some statistics. Nelson Mandela has pleaded with whites to stay in the country, and even begged for those who left to live in Canada, Israel and New Zealand to return to help rebuild the nation.
More recently, current South African President Thabo Mbeki (who admits he grew up memorizing the works of Karl Marx) has announced that South Africa has formed an alliance with communist China. For decades, South Africa had helped Taiwan, but last year, Mandela switched official recognition from Taiwan to China.
Mbeki has applauded the seizures of white-owned farms in neighboring Zimbabwe, even as ANC black revolutionary cadres step up their terror campaign against white farmers in South Africa. His communist flank secure, Mbeki recently announced in a speech to parliament that he is effectively handing over control of South Africa's economy to international financier George Soros and a group of 12 Western transnational corporations.
What does this mean to white South Africans, especially the Afrikaners or "Boer" farmers who feed the nation? Well, one must remember that the Afrikaners are tough, like the Israelis and South Koreans. All of the men served in the army at one point. The Afrikaners drove the Russians and Cubans out of Angola in the 1980s Border War. They are experts at using dynamite and guerilla warfare. According to Peter Hunam's book, "Mandela's Nuclear Nightmare," they even have a few atomic bombs hidden in Zululand.
Things have really come full circle in South Africa. Only a decade ago the Afrikaners were being called "Nazis" by the liberal establishment media for the excesses of Apartheid. Yes, the evil deeds of South African racists like Dr. Wauter Basson and "Prime Evil" Eugene deKock are beyond any justification or excuse. Yet the present genocide against the Afrikaners waged by black ANC Marxist cadres is equally as evil, and perhaps worse since it also includes the rape and murder of little children. Who are these "men" who commit such heinous crimes? We know they are the lowest form of oxygen-stealing parasites; in their hearts a demonic darkness must surely lurk.
The Afrikaners, traditionally Christians and pro-Western allies, tried to tell the world about the hell South Africa would become if the ANC were put in power. But little did they know that the mineral wealth of South Africa was all that mattered to the power brokers in America and the UK. The Afrikaners have been betrayed like all other allies of the U.S. and UK since World War II – the Kurds, Karen of Burma, Hmong of Laos, Montagnards of Vietnam, UNITA in Angola, Southern Sudan, Kampas of Tibet and the hearty Rhodesians.
Today, the Afrikaners have come full circle. They first came to South Africa in the mid 1600s. They built the Cape Colony for the Dutch East India Company. Then the British sailed into port and took over.
The Afrikaners left on their "Great Trek" up into Zululand during the era just after Jacksonian America. They fought and won the "Battle of Blood River" on the "Day of the Vow," when they asked God to grant them victory against the Zulus. The Afrikaners were victorious, but did not conquer the Zulus. Instead they kept only part of South Africa – the Transvaal and Orange Free State. They allowed the Zulus to keep their own king and religion (based on "Unkulunkulu," a being not unlike the God of the Bible) and land.
The British coveted the gold and diamonds of the Transvaal and launched not one but two Boer Wars. Between 1899-1902 the British killed over 26,000 Afrikaner women and children in the world's first concentration camps.
Still yet, the Afrikaners fought along with the British in both World Wars, and helped the South Koreans in the Korean War. By the 1960s South Africa was the richest nation in the world, and by 1973 the rand was worth more than 25 percent more than the U.S. dollar. South Korea repaid South Africa for that debt by voting at the U.N. for anti-South Africa sanctions in the 1970s and 1980s. America and the U.K. pushed the Afrikaners into handing over their nation and the mineral treasure it holds to fuel the West's military industrial complex over to the communist ANC.
The ANC has responded with genocide against the Afrikaners and a new alliance with Red China. China is busy building a submarine base in South Africa and has for all intents and purposes already made an agreement with Russia and Shiite Muslims about how to best carve up Africa.
Now, with the world totally stacked against their interests, the Afrikaners have once again circled the wagons into their infamous laagar. They have no government, they are once again cut off from world and the faith of their forefathers at Blood River is their only hope of survival. Since Apartheid ended in 1994, more than 1,119 farmers have already been murdered in more than 6,000 heavily armed attacks, making this ethnic Afrikaner-Boer minority group the highest at-risk-of-murder group in the entire world.
The killing of South African white farmers by ANC-trained cadres – long denied by the government – has accelerated to the point that the Afrikaner-Boers are ready to take drastic measures. According to Rapport, a South African publication, a security company run by former Angolan prisoner of war and Afrikaner-Boer hero Col. Wynand du Toit has already started using armed former military parachutists to protect besieged farmers from armed attackers in the area around Joburg.
If Mr. Du Toit can continue his successful debut with the new security company, there may well be hope for the South African farmers. The genocide against whites will stop, and the famine that will surely come to South Africa can be avoided. It will be interesting to see if and how the liberal media and the West will paint du Toit as he fights against the ANC cadres who enjoy raping and mutilating 4-year-old farm girls. Such a media campaign has already begun inside Marxist South Africa and its state-controlled media. The ANC are turning into complete fascists in a way the Apartheid crowd never could have imagined.
Yes, there is evil everywhere on Earth – the Balkans, Rwanda, Lebanon and Burma. Man against man. Tribe against tribe. They kill each other, because they have not learned to share and because they have left God out of their hearts.
Is there hope? Yes, of course. Such hope would be given a major jolt if the U.S. Congress, President Bush and Colin Powell can turn their attention from kissing the feet of the blood-stained dictators in Communist China long enough to examine the South African farm killings. We certainly can't wait for the arrogant rock stars who protested Apartheid to admit they were wrong to endorse the blood stained ANC's takeover of the nation.
Du Toit and his friends will be fighting the escalating crime wave engulfing the Afrikaner farming community and South Africa as a whole. Du Toit's company is already operating, extremely successfully, with requests for protection streaming in. The emphasis, at this stage, needs to be on "fighting crime." Nothing wrong with that, all within the law and, especially, nothing "racist." No visible threat of a possible "third force," or the like, rearing its head. Du Toit's outfit can only grow and succeed, if everyone thinks that he will protect anyone who is subjected to this terrible crime wave. It's a valiant effort by du Toit, especially to Boer farmers stranded from help in remote areas.
Last night, I fell asleep while reading a religious magazine with a cover graphic of all the world's citizens. Black, white, brown, yellow and red were pictured working and living side by side in a future paradise orchestrated by God in His millennial kingdom.
I have not given up hope of that future vision becoming a reality, either for South Africa or the world.
However, that vision will have to be guarded by men like du Toit, the former special forces colonel who seeks to fight crimes like the farm murders, committed by heavily armed insurgents. Mr. Du Toit will be doing this so that innocent children may sleep peacefully while rugged, good and Christian men patrol the night as a terror to the wicked.
We've had enough of "Economic Man" in the Western world. Perhaps the Afrikaners will bring back "Hero Man" into fashion.
Monday, 19 March 2007
SA: Agricultural Meltdown - ANC Strategy EXACTLY as I predicted...
We recently posted an article on AfricanCrisis about the Agricultural Meltdown happening in SA now. We now import 1 million tons of wheat annually.
This was the source URL:
Click here for Agricultural meltdown
If you read the above article you will see something which often happens. Why is the ANC ploughing forward with "tribal, small-scale farming" even when it is a hopeless failure? Why is it not listening to intellectuals from Harvard? Or listening to what the agricultural experts of this country have to say?
Is the ANC completely stupid?
Many people opt for the "ANC is stupid" theme.
But I do not. I explained that the ANC sees whites as the enemy. Its not just us who see the ANC as the enemy. The ANC saw us as the enemy right back before they came to power. To keep the CIA and their Western sponsors happy, the ANC pretends that it cares for everyone in its population - including the whites - but in reality it sees whites as the enemy and wants to break our economic power and drive us out.
The ANC does not see small scale black farming and the removal of white farmers who are replaced by blacks as a failure.
Take note that quietly, they are following 100% in the footsteps of Robert Mugabe! He saw the same thing... but that never caused him to return farms en masse. Neither will the ANC. Do NOT ever expect to see a reversal of their policy.
What this is about is about taking power out of the white man's hands. The ANC wants to reduce its dependency on white (mainly Afrikaner) farmers. It wants to work them out of the system.
Suppose 1 white farmer produced 100 tons of maize, but he is replaced by 1 black farmer who produces 1 ton of maize. You'd say, that we've lost a production of 99 tons. I say, the ANC does not see it that way. The ANC says: We went from 0 tons, to 1 ton of production BY BLACKS! To the ANC that is success. THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE DEPENDENT UPON WHITES.
The ANC sees the economy and agriculture in whites hands as a liability - a threat - a weapon in the hand of THE ENEMY. To the ANC, what is crucial is moving things into black hands - even if the economy as a whole suffers. The crucial thing is, that this power NOT be left in the hands of whites (especially Afrikaners!).
The ANC is of course deceptive. It does not tell anyone this. It would not dare explain its real logic with respect to Agriculture, any less than it explains its real logic with respect to Crime or AIDS. In each case, the ANC has a real reason for doing what it wants to do, but it would cause a furore, international shock and a white uprising at home if it dared explain its real logic.
So instead, the ANC keeps its mouth shut, pretends to be stupid when in fact, its deceptive and as cunning as a fox.
Today Mbeki said whites who complain about crime are RACIST! Ditto. Same thing. The ANC will never stop crime. Mbeki plays wordgames around crime - because crime is working the way the ANC intended and Mbeki firmly wants crime to continue. Mbeki is not solving the crime problem. Previously he ducked and dived and said, "What are YOU doing about crime?" Now he says, "Complaining about crime proves that YOU are a racist!" But they key issue is that... Mbeki is doing zilch, and will do zilch to sort out crime. He will PRETEND to want to sort it out, but he won't!
In Government by Deception I explained why the ANC and Mugabe do not concern themselves with the collapse of industries. The main thing for them is moving power into black hands - even if much of an industry collapses. The key is, getting rid of the "unreliable/enemy whites" and replacing them with blacks - even if the end result is a 99% reduction in output.
Collapsing the portion of an industry which is controlled by whites also means impoverishing those whites. This is important. Rich whites can fund political parties, military uprisings, etc. So, its better to impoverish whites instead because then they are powerless and their threat value is now ZERO. The ANC is happier that the 100 ton farmer is no longer making millions and that they have 1 ton coming from a black farmer. To them its a win-win situation.
The ANC will soldier on... because this is a war against the Farmer, the Boer Farmer in particular.
Already, in a number of ways, food inflation and other inflation is starting to hit us. The ANC's policies are starting to take effect. It will skew the industries, and cause all sorts of problems.
In many ways, Mbeki is a bigger racist scumbag than Zuma. Zuma is open and tells us he wants to screw us over. Mbeki wears a suit and tie and smiles and laughs and fakes civility... but in reality, he's screwing us whites, solidly every day of his life. And he does so, with the blessing of Washington and London who think he's doing a marvellous job. The CIA and MI6 think he's a great guy. But he's actually a duplicit quiet murderous bastard. He screws Zimbabweans over daily, he screws Afrikaners and whites over daily - all while laughing and smiling and pretending to be civilised. He's actually a bastard. Revenge is a dish best served cold - and Mbeki is a master at serving that dish. Jan]
S Africa: Agricultural melt down
March 11 2007 - Rapport newspaper today cites five top agricultural economists, all warning that the country's agricultural sector is on the point of collapsing due to the ANC's marxist "black-peasant-only" land-rights policies.
The country's food-producing sector is now stagnating so seriously under ANC-rule that hundreds of rural towns have practically depopulated, with the rural economies on the verge of permanent collapse.
South Africa now already needs to routinely import an annual 1-million tons of wheat or more -- just to feed its own population. Only ten years ago, the country was one of the world's most reliable major exporters of food grains and other important agricultural products such as meat and poultry.
Economists warn that the ANC "does not see our agricultural production as a priority" -- pointing out that in spite of the current nationwide, devastating drought, --the worst in a decade -- the regime still slashed its agricultural budget to R2,28-billion and is refusing any disaster aid to the dwindling number of commercial farmers who still manage to produce food.
In 1992, there were more than 57,000 commercial farms, now there's far less than 40,000 remaining -- and another 20,000 "white" commercial farmers also face forced removal by 2014 from their productive farms under the ANC's marxist "black-peasant-farmer-only" policies.
Commercial farmers who know they are facing forced removal from their land to make way for black peasant farmers, are also not reinvesting any more capital into the rural economy -- and for the first time in its recorded 350-year history, South Africa is no longer raising enough food each year to feed its own population.
Before 1994, South Africa's commercial farm-owners were for the most part, professional, well-organised and top-educated businessmen who poured all their earnings back into the agricultural economy -- and who also employed and housed 1-m farm workers -- some 200,000 more than are employed in the SA agricultural sector today.
"Small-scale peasant farming is an economic failure...'
Dr. Mohammad Karaan, chairman of the National Agricultural Marketing Council, also warns that the ANC-regime's marxist-style "small-scale" farming model is proving to be an economic disaster -- and that it must be urgently scrapped. "Small-scale farming cannot succeed in the world economy, farmers actually need more land to be able to compete successfully -- which is one of the reasons why the (ANC-) land-reform policies are failing," he warned.
Yet the ANC-regime keeps plowing on with its disastrous policy -- regardless of all these warnings from top experts.
The regime just announced that it is going to hand over yet another 30% of all of the country's agricultural land to small-scale black farmers by 2014 . This represents 26-million hectares of currently-productive farmland where 12,000 commercial , highly-productive "white" farmers are facing forced removal. This important farmland will be 'transformed' into unproductive subsistence smallholdings for (agriculturally-inexperienced) black families, warns Dr. Chris Jordaan, Transvaal Agricultural Union's landrights manager. Economists warn that this disastrous policy is already causing a massive drop in local food production.
Prof Johan Willemse of the University of the Free State says South Africa a decade ago was self-sufficient -- exporting massive quantities and a large variety agricultural products and had enough affordable food for all the 46-million population. Now the country has to important at least one million tons of wheat annually as a matter of routine because its less than 40,000 commercial farmers simply can no longer produce enough. By 2015, this production will have been halved when 20,000 more commercial farmers are forcibly removed..."Our previous independence in local food production is now facing serious a most threat,and our agricultural economy is stagnating because the commercial farmers have no economic incentive to reinvest as they always did previously."
Rural ghost towns:
Agricultural economist Prof. Johann Kirsten of the University of Pretoria warns that "if the government wants to stop agricultural villages from turning into ghost towns, it will have to intervene."
Emotional land-rights issue:
Agricultural leaders warn that the ANC-regime is using the emotional "land-rights" issue to drive their political engine with -- instead of accepting the advice from a Harvard-group of international experts report to parliament last month that the country's agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries had to be nurtured as the main engines which were driving the SA economy.
Prof. Nick Vink, University of Stellenbosch agricultural economist warned that agriculture won't be able to grow without new investments -- yet the agricultural sector in South Africa was stagnating."Ten years ago, South Africa exported R2,40's worth of homegrown agricultural products for every R1 of imported goods. We now are past the R1,40 mark -- and if this continues at the present pace, our agricultural economy will soon reverse itself (permanently)."
Thursday, 08 March 2007
Wednesday, 07 March 2007
Job equity fight goes global
The Democratic Alliance has asked the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to make Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana publicly withdraw a remark that affirmative action would never be stopped in South Africa, but intensified.
Mdladlana is currently chairperson of the ILO.
"His weekend remarks that affirmative action will never be scrapped is racist and destructive to our economy. It is also in conflict with the rules of the International Labour Organisation," DA labour spokesperson Mark Lowe said on Monday.
ILO convention 111 approved affirmative action only as a temporary corrective measure, and ruled out broader employment practices that discriminated on the basis of race, he said.
Speaking in Pretoria on Saturday, Mdladlana said: "Affirmative action and current employment equity legislation will never be repealed, but intensified instead".
Lowe said Mdladlana's statement was clearly in contravention of the ILO convention. "I will send a letter to ILO director-general Juan Somavia requesting that he be asked to publicly withdraw his callous remark and provide an assurance to the ILO that South Africa will comply with all its conventions, failing which Minister Mdladlana should be sanctioned," he said.
Cosatu on Monday threw its weight behind Mdladlana's view on affirmative action.
Cosatu said it agreed with Mdladlana. "The Employment Equity Act has not been effectively enforced. As a result employment still reveals the predominance of white and males in senior positions.
"Our members regularly report examples of racism in the workplace, with white workers getting better wages and faster promotion," said Cosatu spokesperson Patrick Craven.
The minister was correct to demand that "liberation should be accompanied by programmes to totally eradicate the apartheid legacy", he said.
Cosatu would do everything possible to assist the government to achieve this. It condemned the DA's decision to report the minister to the International Labour Organisation . "We call upon the ILO to reject this."
FF Plus MP Willie Spies said Mdladlana had reaffirmed his reputation "as one of the ANC's most hardened racists, but also displayed his disregard for international labour law principles".
Spies said international labour literature was clear that affirmative action is a form of discrimination which can only apply temporarily. "Policies similar to Mdladlana's had destroyed Mugabe's former reputation as liberation hero," he said.
This article was originally published on page 2 of Pretoria News on March 06, 2007
Tuesday, 06 March 2007
Whose President is a bigger failure? Bush or Mbeki?
It’s no wonder we are longing for a De la Rey
Dan Roodt
IN LAST week’s Sunday Times, Mondli Makhanya expressed the wish to come to a better understanding of why Afrikaners are so deeply unhappy about the recent course of events in South Africa.
I believe I am well placed to provide a few enlightening answers, if only because I have spoken to farmers, students, authors, academics, singers, housewives, dominees, businessmen, politicians, motor mechanics, accountants, lawyers, teachers and representatives of just about every occupation among the 2.5 million Afrikaners who inhabit South Africa, and the half a million or so who have already left.
Let’s start right there. Why are 20% or more of our people living abroad — in exile, so to speak? Some may have pursued economic opportunities, but most have left because of one issue: violent crime. On every flight from Sydney to Johannesburg you can see a plane full of red-eyed people, mostly Afrikaners, sniffling into their paper handkerchiefs as they try to get over the tearful farewells to relatives living thousands of kilometres away in the Pacific. There are now more of us in Australia than Aborigines.
Afrikaners dearly love South Africa: the land of braaivleis, rugby, sunny skies and your brand of car, except that you get a gun pointed at your head in that same car every so often. At one time our people formed the backbone of a multiracial police force. Years ago we patrolled the borders on horseback to stop stock theft and painstakingly typed statements in both official languages on typewriters. Crime was something we mostly read about in detective novels.
We have therefore watched in amazement at how transformation cut a swathe through what was once a professional police force, how it became inefficient, corrupt and almost useless in protecting us from the marauding gangsters who now rule our once peaceful streets.
In December a private security company issued a directive to all its clients, advising them to lock their gates, switch on their alarms and not venture out after eight o’clock at night.
On December 20 2006 a beautiful little girl of five named Danielle Esterhuizen was executed in cold blood on her mother’s lap next to a dam in Randfontein, where she had been visiting her father for half an hour while he was fishing with a friend. When Steve Hofmeyr, Joost van der Westhuizen and I had coffee with him a few weeks ago, he broke down and muttered, “I will never be able to touch a fishing rod again. Why did I allow her to come visit me when I knew of the danger?”
During the political negotiations of the early ’ 90s, we were lulled into a sense of wonder. The international media were enthusing about the South African “miracle” and we trusted our leaders. De Klerk regularly spoke about “checks and balances”, that our language and culture, our schools, universities, museums and monuments would enjoy constitutional protection.
Over the past few weeks especially, we have been horrified by the cavalier way in which a minister of Education with a colonial British accent could order one of the most famous Afrikaans high schools in the country, Ermelo, to change its medium of instruction. After winning the first round of a court battle, our hopes were dashed when the judge overturned an earlier decision in a judgment that lasted two minutes, according to those who were there.
Are our Xhosa rulers acting out some inner fantasy of self-made ruin, a second coming of Nongqawuse?
Who knows? In this system, nothing will surprise us anymore. We have become used to a myriad racial laws that restrict our ability to trade, our access to education and capital, even our ability to get bank credit that must rank in the annals of anti-minority legislation up there with anti-Jewish measures during 1930s Germany.
Name changes are calculated to irritate us. But worst of all is the knowledge that we have finally been conquered by our traditional enemies, the Xhosa. In the 1820s they made life so difficult for us on the Eastern frontier that we had to cross the Drakensberg by ox-wagon. Now, occupying offices in Pretoria, they are driving us off the land and onto planes to Australia, Canada and Britain.
Nothing will surprise us any more. Whether the future will be a Zimbabwe, a Uganda or even a Rwanda, we know it will be violent and nasty. No wonder we are longing for a Moses, or a De la Rey, to lead us to the Promised Land.
Monday, 05 March 2007
by Jani Allan
Thursday, August 19, 2004 The plot and story line are pure Dostoyevski. The police, on trumped up charges of treason, round up twenty-two men. They are kept in inhumane conditions in maximum-security jails and refused bail. Witnesses are tortured into "confessing." With 260 witnesses called, it will take the State more than 22 years to present its case. Another 22 years will pass while the cross-examination turgidly proceeds.
When one hears of anyone spending 22 years in jail (what happened to the 'presumed innocent until proved guilty?) one assumes the hapless person/persons live in a gulag.
No so. This bizarre situation is currently happening in South Africa, the country that boasts the most democratic, user-friendly and Politically Correct human rights constitution in the world.
Combating crime is very low on the African National Congresses list of priorities.
The mere mention of South Africa's appalling crime levels (more than 48,000 murders a year for a country that has a population of only 40 million), irritates the ANC. Anyone who dares to bring up the subject is instantly called a 'racist.'
For this reason, some have suggested that it was with uncharacteristic alacrity and enthusiasm that 22 Afrikaners were arrested and jailed, after a series of small bomb blasts across South Africa. Unlike 911, this terrorism did not require any serious investigation into its root causes or possible culpability. It required only condemnation, because the bombs were widely advertised as being the work of 'white right-wingers.'
In the State versus Michael Teshert du Toit and twenty two others, case number CC91/2003, Supreme Court of South Africa that is currently being heard in Pretoria, the men are on charges and allegations that as members of an alleged organization called "the Boeremag" they were conspiring to overthrow the government in South Africa, to commit sabotage and to possess illegal weapons, ammunition and explosives. Irony is never far from the surface in South Africa.
Nelson Mandela and his fellow communist Rivonia Trialists were on similar charges. However, Mandela and his Communist co-conspirators, were given a swift and fair trial. Mandela was found guilty of planning to blow up most of Pretoria. He had enough plastic explosives to do it when he was caught at Lilies Leaf Farm in Rivonia. Few people are aware that Amnesty International never recognized Mandela as a political prisoner. He was a terrorist.
In a Communist guidebook used by the ANC in the 1980's, there are instructions on how comrades (communists) should behave if arrested.
"Everything," it stresses, "must be done to help the arrested comrade by providing legal representation, publicity, food and reading material if possible, solidarity with the family protests should be organized."
I am unaware of people rallying to show solidarity with the families of the Boeremag 22. Neither am I aware that protests or publicity have been generated.
Last week, Dr Paul Kruger submitted documentation outlining the torture and inhumane treatment of the detainees, to Amnesty International in Amsterdam.
Formidable South African-Dutch journalist Ms Adriana Stuijt accompanied Dr Kruger to Amnesty International where comprehensive talks were held. Ms Stuijt, who has impeccable liberal credentials and a website to prove her pedigree as an anti-apartheid activist, is determined to bring the world's attention to the Boeremag 22.
Says Ms Stuijt 'They were set up by a paid ANC agent and an Afrikaner sell-out who even created the name for the organization. Their people were politically naive. It's a travesty of justice."
In a country where satire frequently overtakes reality, the claims about agent provocateurs - government spies and infiltrators - are often close to the truth.
During a political meeting at the Espada Ranch on November 15, a top ANC official, one Mo Shaik suggested "One easy way to identify Afrikaner right wingers and eliminate them is to start new rightwing organizations which will be under the control of the security forces and where they will be lured. These organizations can then be controlled by the ANC-government's secret agents, managed and their members eliminated.'
Whether the Boeremag 22 were indeed set-up is a moot point.
Less moot are two issues that need to be addressed.
The first is that there is indeed a pattern of ethnic cleansing against the boers/Afrikaners/whites emerging in Southern Africa.
An Afrikaner academic noted that "the farm murders, the show trials and bogus charges, the Afrikaner business people who are increasingly being gunned down in the towns, the blonde haired blue-eyed Afrikaners children who are being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery by tribal gangs - all are indicative that Thabo Mbeki has a hatred for the Afrikaners that borders on the pathological hatred Hitler had for the Jews."
"Under the UN Genocide Convention, any government actions taken to deliberately destroy the cultural identity of any ethnic minority are culpable of a form of genocide. Given this, Mr Mbeki's regime is culpable of genocide," says Ms Stuijt.
The second issue is the mockery the ANC makes of the Constitution and the frighteningly brutal punishment that those they perceive as enemies must expect to be meted out to them.
Amnesty International recently wrote a report on the inhumane conditions that currently exist in South African prisons. A delegation from Amnesty found that there were some 214 "mysterious' deaths in police custody during 2003. At least 317 people died at the hands of police. In some incidents the police deliberately killed people instead of arresting them.
They cited the case in Pollsmoor Prison in the Cape where youths younger than 14 were arrested and thrown in prison with hardened criminals. Wardens were paid so that these children could be raped. According to the Jali Commission of Enquiry into Corruptions in prison, the going rate for providing a rape victim is $5.
There are some 25,000 trial-awaiting prisoners in South Africa. All are kept with convicted murderers and rapists.
Pretoria Central (C Max) Prison, designed to house no more than 1900 detainees, has more than 5,500 inmates. Inmates are kept in atrocious conditions. Earlier this year Judge Essop Patel requested that the Pretoria Bar Council appoint advocates investigating the fact that inmates were being incarcerated under conditions that violated their human rights.
Water is scarce, pipes are broken and electrical wires hang loose from the rafters. The prison's foundation is suffused with sewage water and the prisoners are detained in their cockroach and rat-infested cells for 22 out of 24 hours. Detainees are subjected twenty-four seven to blaring rap music.
At night, the temperatures plummet to below zero in the wintertime, but there are no windows to close. Windowpanes have long since been broken.
According to a report recently handed to the city's high court by two advocates, Pretoria Central is "a time bomb" waiting to explode.
The Jali Commision, which was set up in April this year to investigate claims of corruption in prisons, found the culture of abuse to be rampant.
Unlike Mandela and the Rivonia Trialists who were all communist atheists, the Boeremag 22 are said to be devout Christians and family men. The list of the accused includes a 26 year old who was studying for his Masters degree in Theology. He often delivered sermons at the Afrikaans Protestant Church.
In a sworn statement he describes his violent arrest by members of the South African Police Services.
"I was then taken out of the vehicle and put on a huge plastic bag on the ground. I was forced to lie on my stomach on the bag. They then started to pull the bag over my head, suffocating me. Thereafter a tube was pulled over my face. My head was pulled backwards violently."
This method generally known, as 'tubing' was what white policemen did with black political detainees during the Apartheid era.
Some believe that the Afrikaner tribe was once a nation of heroes. The Voortrekkers, in attempting to carve out some place for themselves in Southern Africa, where they could find a future, ventured into places which the ancient mariners might have described as 'Beyond this place there be dragons."
This is the place in which the white tribe now find themselves.
There is no sound in the bushveld save the thudding heart of the Boer nation in angst.
Who will dare to show compassion for those who cower in the shattered laager?
Mbeki attacks Jani
South Africa, far from being a "democracy," is to all intents and purposes a one-party Marxist state in which no criticism of the government is tolerated. President Mbeki's recent Internet letter is a loosely cobbled together compilation of misdemeanors (i.e., accurate reporting) committed by various journalists. These increasingly desperate attacks on the media in general and me in particular, ironically bring to mind the words of W.B. Yeats, the Irish poet Mbeki is so fond of quoting; "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold." On Friday, Mbeki called me "a racist liar" (or, alternately, "a racist psychotic liar") and slammed an article I wrote on rape and AID (http://groups.msn.com/janiallan).
Using terminology from Psychology 101, Mbeki explained that "due to the psychological residue of apartheid, a psychosis (exists) among some of us such that, to this day, they do not believe that our non-racial democracy will survive and succeed." A few unintelligible lines later, he concluded: "So they look everywhere for evidence of decline, in order that they cannot be disappointed. Crime in our country provides them with the most dramatic evidence of that decline, the evidence that they are right to foresee a hopeless future for our country, the proof that sooner or later things will fall apart."
According to Interpol, South Africa is the international murder capital of the world. There are 600 murders for every 100,000 residents per year. This is ten times higher than Harlem, in New York, or South Central Los Angeles. Since the release of the saintly Mandela -- that shameless fig-leaf for the African National Congress -- more than 200,000 people have been murdered in South Africa. That is nearly four times the number of American soldiers who died in Vietnam. In the nine years following the end of apartheid and the "miracle" of South Africa's "democratic" election in 1994, almost 2,000 farmers and their workers have been murdered. There have been more than 15,000 attacks on farmers. The attacks are orchestrated and executed with chilling sadism and perversion. In some cases the orders for the attacks came from Shell (now Luthuli) House, the ANC headquarters. The systematic terror, though well-documented and photographed on various obscure websites, is largely ignored by the American mainstream press.
Jan Lamprecht, author of "Government by Deception", has this to say: "It is interesting that Marxist Mbeki had to take a personal pot shot at Jani Allan who was one of the most famous journalists in the country. In my opinion she speaks the truth and I say our President is a black, racist liar who is taking cheap shots at a white woman who is telling the truth."
My writings on http://www.WorldNetDaily.com and http://rense.com and other websites have been motivated by an earnest desire to inform Americans and all those who purport to be humanitarians, animal activists and environmentalists, that there is a tragedy of Biblical proportions unfolding in South Africa.
I have no personal vendetta against South African President Thabo Mbeki. Admittedly, when I had a radio show in Cape Town, I used to good-naturedly refer to him as M-Bek-One, since his name resembles the license plate of a car. But M-Bek-One evidently has a vendetta against me.
Why else would my apartment have been bombed? Why was I held up at gunpoint and forced to flee the country?
Recently I was on The Jeff Rense show, which airs coast to coast and streams globally. I spoke, among other things, about the farm murders which the world's top genocide expert, Dr. Gregory Stanton, has warned is a genocide of the Afrikaner-Boer people. I remarked, as have many other writers, that President Mbeki has a total obsession with race. (His talk of a non-racial democracy is nonsense given that the centerpiece of his government's legislation is Black Economic Empowerment.)
My radio interview on the Rense Show drew the predictable response from the Communist-dominated African National Congress: "We knew Jani Allan was a crazy attention seeker, but to tell such blatant lies about genocide being committed against white South Africans to seven million gullible Americans is beyond the pale. She has slandered our President and told lies that surely constitute treason."
Is it appropriate for the President of an African country to have his minions accuse me of treason? Does this outré disapproval not invoke Vonnegut's image of a man getting dressed up in a full suit of armor to attack an ice-cream sundae?
Friday, 02 March 2007
THE NEW SOUTH AFRICA ...where all are so wonderfully transformed and equal...
Monday, 26 February 2007
ANC politicians not worth it
25 February 2007
I’m trying to get worked up about the ANC’s controversial Progressive Business Forum.
According to newspaper reports the ANC promises to set up a meeting with a Cabinet minister or a senior government official in exchange for money for the ANC’s coffers.
It’s not clear what is discussed at those meetings but I imagine a few hints are dropped about how difficult it is to get by on a Cabinet minister’s salary and how nice it would be to own some free shares in a successful company — or buy a shiny new car at a special price.
So what’s all the fuss about then? We know from long and bitter experience that the ANC favours shady businessmen. When Imperial boss Bill Lynch won an international award last year there wasn’t a murmur of congratulation from senior politicians in the press (or if there was it was in very small print).
Compare that with the nauseating adulation heaped on the late Brett Kebble.
The ANC won’t even discipline dishonest politicians within Parliament and with good reason; if it did there would be very few politicians left. So all those who fiddled their travel expenses keep their jobs and are free to cast about for the next scam knowing that there is no chance they will ever be punished.
Over the past few years the ANC has effectively become the largest organised crime syndicate in the country. Which is why the Mafiosi tactic of calling in money for favours should come as no surprise.
Call it protection money, influence peddling, bribery or just a donation ; it all amounts to the same thing. That’s the way business is done these days and if you don’t like it then emigrate.
I was at a high-profile function recently where the guest speaker was Presidential Rottweiler Essop Pahad.
After he finished speaking, the MC for the evening, Ursula Stapelfeldt, thanked the minister for his ‘‘meaningless” speech which was cause for much mirth around the room.
We tried to work out whether Stapelfeldt had made a mistake but decided she had probably listened carefully to the minister and just said what all of us were already thinking. It was a lot of twaddle and it’s frightening to think that such intellectual featherweights are free to roam the planet representing South Africa.
Bearing that in mind, what would you really be getting for your money if you applied for platinum membership of the Progressive Business Forum?
The general feeling among the thinking classes is that there are only about five Cabinet ministers who know what they’re doing.
The rest enjoy security of tenure thanks to President Thabo Mbeki’s curious policy of refusing to sack the no-hopers. So, for example, you would really need to consider the investment carefully if you wanted to set up a meeting with the Health minister.
Even if you enjoy what could be diplomatically termed “a full and frank discussion”, is there any guarantee that the minister concerned will remember who you are when you fax your proposal for a new football stadium through?
Remember that this is primarily a money-making venture and 10 minutes after you left another sucker would have been wheeled in for an exclusive one-on-one.
So I’m afraid I can’t get at all worked up about the Progressive Business Forum. It’s just further confirmation that the ANC has sold its soul and sunk deeper into the mire of avarice but at least they’re no longer being secretive about it.
Mbeki puts on thinking cap to wrestle with crime
By Ilana Mercer
My apologies; I've misled readers about my native South Africa. I called it the most violent place on earth outside a war zone. I was wrong. BBC World recently – and reluctantly – disclosed that South Africa jostles with Iraq and Colombia for the title of most violent country in the world, war zones included.
In a short segment, correspondent John Simpson reported that in South Africa, on average, 50 people are murdered every day (population: 47 million), three times that number are raped; and 300 are violently attacked and robbed daily. And these are the official, likely filtered, figures. They say nothing about the seldom-reported hundreds of muggings carried out in broad daylight and captured by security cameras. According to Robert McCafferty of the United Christian Action, moreover, the South African Medical Research Council tallies 89 daily deaths; Interpol's statistics are double those released by the police – a bent and brutal outfit whose chief has been linked to the mafia but has yet to be suspended.
When my family and I presciently left South Africa in 1995, it was still a country with a space program (on which my husband worked), "gleaming skyscrapers" and department stores that rivaled Macy's. The Central Business District in Johannesburg bustled. Crime was well controlled. When mobs stoned cars en route to the DF Malan Airport in Cape-Town (geographical names across the country have since been changed to expunge Afrikaans history), a tough and competent police force sprung into action. An equally impressive Western system of Roman-Dutch law dished out just deserts in response to muti-murder (ritual killing) or "necklacing" (placing a car tire around a putative offender's neck and igniting it with gasoline).
A decade hence, the city of Johannesburg, renamed Egoli, looks like Mogadishu – streets strewn with garbage, many spectacular skyscrapers overrun by squatters, vandalized or boarded up with brick by desperate owners. The five-star Carlton Hotel closed in 1997. The safety of its guests could no longer be guaranteed. Ditto other landmarks such as the Great Synagogue and the green glass Garden Court Hotel.
The specter is repeated across South Africa. Gun battles are commonplace on city streets. Shopkeepers often sit behind iron bars. Stories abound of soccer moms and dads being robbed during a game. As the Christian Science Monitor's South African correspondent put it, "Nothing says 'Home Sweet Home' like 10-foot walls, electric fencing, burglar bars and at least one panic button wired directly to an armed-response team." Recent prominent victims of criminals include Nobel Prize-winning author Nadine Gordimer, assaulted in her Johannesburg home, and Anglo-Zulu War historian David Rattray, murdered in his Northern-Natal lodge.
So, to spare myself a future mea culpa, be advised that the BBC's crime statistics were, in all likelihood, obtained from the police who've been less than frank about the scope of the carnage. Malfeasance, graft and corruption are all in a day's work for a force hollowed out by affirmative action. If you object to this unflattering characterization, observe them in action on YouTube. The BBC has filmed a fairly typical crime-scene intervention during which the police "think about" arresting a man who had stabbed another in the face, but … "change their minds. He is allowed back on the streets again."
"Think," of course, is the wrong word – especially when it comes to the brain trust of the ruling African National Congress. President Thabo Mbeki ignored the BBC's otherwise incontinent exhilaration about everything else South African, choosing instead to frame as racism the network's newfound realism vis-à-vis crime. Mbeki wields this ad hominem like an assegai. He is, however, much less adept at logic.
"Nobody can show that the overwhelming majority of the 40-50 million South Africans think that crime is out of control. Nobody can, because it's not true," he admonished. Thabo "thinks" truth is decided by majority vote; Thabo "thinks" that if he could get a representative sample of South Africans to agree crime was insignificant, then that would settle the matter.
It so happens that South Africans are fed up ("gatvol" in Afrikaans) with crime. Why else would communities across the country be staging marches in protest? The futile purpose of these events is to present Mbeki with a petition. The premise for such folly being that the ruling kleptocrats are not only competent, but well intentioned and caring too. Thabo will take note, mind you, if the once-mighty Afrikaners take to the streets with their weapons, not with petitions and scented candles.
Mbeki's ministers share his oil-and-water relationship to the truth. One of them told itvNEWS that when adjusted for population, levels of crime in the Unites States approximate those of South Africa. Lies. Going by the underreported police numbers, the murder rate in South Africa is 10 times worse than the U.S. According to the MRC figures, it's 14 times worse.
At least the safety and security minister is honest; he doesn't conceal his racial hostility. "Only whites complain," he smirked, adding that "they can continue to whinge until they are blue in the face, or they can simply leave this country."
Monday, 19 February 2007
How the ANC sold Arms to a Warring faction in the DRC!
He told me that some time back, the ANC decided to SELL lots of R4 military rifles from our army. For those outside SA, the R4 was a special military rifle developed by the S.African army, based on the AK47. The R4 has a lot of the features of the AK47 but is a more sophisticated and superior weapon. It became the standard issue rifle in our army.
According to him, the Govt suddenly decided to "sell" stacks of R4 rifles. So it put them out "on tender" and it was put in the Govt Gazette. But "by chance" the group who got the tender was one of the warring factions in the DRC (Zaire)!
According to him, they got these weapons at a ridiculously low price. I can't remember the exact price he quoted but it was either R54 ($8) PER RIFLE or LESS!!! This is for a sophisticated rifle that is better than an AK47. This group in the DRC got them, from our Govt "on tender" for less than $8 PER RIFLE. According to him this was a huge sale.
I wish I knew more. I will try to dig up more in the future. But this story is extremely fascinating.
I have never seen the mass media comment on or even hint at this possible story. But according to him the whole thing was done via a normal public tender via the Government Gazette!!
Now, another military friend of mine was hinting to me just last week that he thinks we will yet discover that the ANC is also going to get involved in supplying some of the warring parties in that huge war which is brewing up in Ethiopia/Somalia and which is funded by the CIA in its fight against Al Qaeda. So we must keep an eye on that... I am curious to know which sides we have been clandestinely supporting in the DRC or Burundi, etc. Jan]
Thursday, 01 February 2007
[5 Pics] S.African Christians protest against Gay Marriages
To be honest, I feel the same way. Let gays have their liaisons, but do not call it "marriage" and do not let it allow them to adopt children, etc. Here are photos of a multiracial protest against Gay marriage.
Well, I suppose it is good news for the ANC because now the ANC can extend its voting base from mere criminals, murderers and organised crime bosses to also include gays and lesbians. Perhaps the ANC should try courting paedophiles next! Jan]
Note eTV (Actually SABC) referring to "Tshwane" which is PRETORIA'S NEW NAME! This protest was in Pretoria!
South Africa's Secret Murders
South Africa, a country with a population of 43,800,000 is situated at the bottom of the African continent and covers an area of 1,233,404 sq km. Every morning, farmers wake up to do the same job as farmers in every other country. But being a white farmer in South Africa is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. In the last 10 years, around 1,750 white African farmers have met violent ends at the hands of black gangs. We live in a society where we like to believe we are morally correct and do not condone racism. However, as soon as we are faced with the deaths of nearly 2000 white farmers in South, even the best of us can’t help but wonder why so little has been done to stop this and why it hasn’t been plastered all over the newspapers at our breakfast table.
The largest road in Africa, the N1, runs from Cape Town right across the country to the border. The new tarmac and polished buildings along the roadside are proof that a post-apartheid South Africa can work without the violence and disaster of its surrounding countries. However, as you reach central South Africa, it is said you can spot a cross in the hillside. This cross is formed by hundreds of smaller crosses placed in neat white lines – the bodies of white South African farmers. These are accompanied by two smaller hills on either side, themselves the bearers of hundreds more graves.
The attacks are executed by gangs, some of them offering $250 for the murder of a white farmer. No one knows where the gangs get their funding, but it’s been suggested it can be traced back to South African politicians. Every white African farmer is a target and often babies and the elderly are among the victims who are subjected to extreme violence, torture and rape. It’s no wonder to the white farmers in the northern regions of the country that often nothing is stolen – they know these are racist revenge attacks and as a result the Boers, the white tribe of Africa, fear their extinction.
Faces are broken with steel poles, eyes are lost and bodies are burnt. Children are raped and skulls are smashed but the police take hours to arrive at the scene, and when they do appear, they make no attempt to search for the assailants. A book detailing all the incidents of attacks and assaults from survivors was released, but never made it overseas and was suggested to have been bought up from the bookshelves by the Government.
It is true however, that South Africa on the whole suffers from extreme violence on a daily basis. It has the highest recorded per capita murder rate in the world and, although the majority of deaths involve black victims due to the fact that they make up 75% of the country’s population, the probability of a white farmer’s death is still up to ten times greater than in any other profession.
In the western world, we tend to turn a blind eye to obscenities and events taking place in other countries. It never affects us. We can still watch the same great shows on TV, have the same meal each night and afterwards, sleep in the same soft bed and dream of tomorrow, when we can be in comfort again. We live in a society where our neighbours are friendly and our police take care of us instead of ignoring the deaths of thousands. Our governments don’t want to help these other countries unless there’s something in it for them - it’s just not worth the cost. Should we really be expected to die to save a country that’s done nothing for us? Should we have to pay for another government’s mistakes? Of course not, but should over 400 farmers and their families have to face attack and torture and a further 200 face death every year because they’re white?
As nations blessed with luck, we owe the people of South Africa and other countries alike the chance to enjoy life the way we do; there just isn’t an easy way to do that.
Thursday, 18 January 2007
South Africa’s Genocide: It’s not crime - it’s WAR

The history of the Black African Liberation Struggle against colonial powers has always involved a guerilla strategy of attacking “soft targets” such as isolated farmsteads, bombing civilian public places and churches, politicizing the rural population by way of terrorizing them and branding non-compliants as sell-outs and traitors before brutally executing them in full view of their families and friends.
The tools to used to effect such “Struggles” have in every instance prolifically featured the use of the ubiquitous AK 47. This is a weapon of war – it is an assault rifle, the only purpose of which is to be used in warfare for the killing of human beings. It is not a gardening tool or a spanner (wrench) it is a weapon of war – period.
Direct confrontation with the security forces of the day was to be ruled out as much as possible as this invariably resulted in the annihilation of the entire “Liberation” unit. As such the “Liberation Struggle” was marvelously efficient in every aspect of its operation when it came to slaughtering and coercing unarmed civilians and a spectacular failure when encountering armed trained security forces that could fight back with devastating ferocity.In SA the “Liberation Struggle” was declared successful with the advent of 1994 and the installation of the ANC Government and was deemed to have ceased in order to commence with “Nation Building” of the Rainbow Nation.However, it is apparent that the “Liberation Struggle” continued with the removal of White Farmers in Zimbabwe resulting immediately in Zimbabwe becoming a basket case and millions of refugees flooding over the border into South Africa in search of a better life due to South Africa’s apparently better economy.As Zimbabwe collapsed, the plunder, pillage, murder, and human rights violations of Robert Mugabe were benignly regarded from South Africa by Thabo Mbeki who explained away his stance as one of “Quiet Diplomacy”
Bit of an enigma this “Quiet Diplomacy” concept unless of course one thinks about parallel developments in SA and Zimbabwe where whites are concerned and of course without even considering the history of Mbeki and Mugabe that goes back to the 60’sThis is a quiet diplomacy that has seen armed militia from Zimbabwe, armed with the traditional liberation struggle weapon – the AK 47 flood into South Africa to effect cash in transit heists and armed robberies of civilians in restaurants, banks, supermarkets and in their businesses, farms and homes. It has recently seen a full scale fire-fight between armed criminals (Guerillas?) and an SAPS unit in a suburban house !!In effect “Liberation” militia units armed with weapons of war from another country in conjunction with local militia are waging a full scale urban war against unarmed white civilians in South Africa. The ANC Government officially passes this off as crime which they say they “Are trying very hard to curb” – as evidenced by the allocation of the (white taxpayers’) money to Government officials’ excesses, luxuries, foreign trips and weapons of war by the tens of billions in comparison the allocation of virtually nothing to the police services and the judiciary to curb crime.
Foreign militia in South Africa, specifically from Mozambique and Zimbabwe are not traceable in SA, they have no paper trail, no ID documents, no fingerprints, absolute anonymity, freedom of movement and equipped for protracted guerilla warfare in the Black African tradition against unarmed white civilians who in SA are ALL traceable by finger prints if they have ID books, bar-coded SARS documentation, ID books, Vehicle Registrations, driver’s licenses, P.O. Box addresses, IP addresses – you name it.Very easy for the Government to absolve itself of being able to detain untraceable “Agents” from other countries who are involved in the slaughter of a traceable unarmed, static, dispossessed ethnic group like South African whites.
In the meantime, racial hatred against whites in SA is being overtly stoked at every opportunity by ANC mouthpieces like the press and national television. At every “youth” rally called to “celebrate” some “Liberation” event or the other black youths are actively being called on to perpetrate violent crime against whites. Whenever Mbeki or any other high profile black political or economic figure presents himself in front of a public address system, disparities are drawn between the “White have’s and Black Have not’s” to further incite black on white racial hatred while the government neatly side steps issues like it’s own multi-billion Rand corruption levels, fraud, outright theft and personal excess like multi-million Rand Presidential its, luxury homes and cars and unbelievable salaries for non-delivery of even the most basic services.
This is clearly an angle on violent crime in SA that is being overlooked and now needs to be placed under a microscope by the international community, brought to the attention of the International Human Rights Commission and the ANC Government brought up to the plate to give explanations for as well as plausible account of what they are doing about the genocide of whites in SA.